New committee | cemetery sale notice & in-principle agreement confirmed - 14 August 2020
We have some good news on progress to share with you!
The Diocese contacted the St Barnabas Working Group this week - the first contact since February, due to Covid19's abrupt effect on all our lives. The contact was very timely with recent community discussion on the need for an update now we are all emerging from hibernation.
Advertising of cemetery sale + in-principle agreement confirmed:
Cemetery management legislation requires the Diocese to publicly advertise their intention to sell St Barnabas Cemetery (and Church). We are advised the ad will be appearing in this weekend's newspapers (15 August 2020) and is a regulated part of the sale process.
Reassurances have been made that the peninsula community continues to have an in-principle agreement to purchase St Barnabas Church and Cemetery, as negotiated earlier this year.
New Management Committee formed:
The St Barnabas Working Group has worked hard to encourage people with the necessary skills and community spirit to navigate the sale process and ownership responsibilities, leading St Barnabas into a new and inspiring chapter as a community church.
For the next stage of St Barnabas' future, we are delighted to announce the handover to four, thoroughly proficient people with backgrounds including governance, legal and accounting:
- Chair - Terry Roe
- Finances - Wally Lyne
- Secretary - Bill Linton
- Marketing - Damon Thomas
They will be well-supported by a group of parishioners, dedicated to the spiritual and community engagement aspects at the very heart of St Barnabas.
Weekly services: It is heart-warming to see the increased attendance at St Barnabas with 10am weekly services reinstated, boding well for St Barnabas' future.
Timeline for sale: Timing for the sale finalisation can't be defined at the moment but the new management committee will certainly be keeping everyone informed.
Formal handover:
From your dedicated Save St Barnabas Working Group, under the auspice of SAPRA, we would like to take this opportunity to say it has been our honour to have worked tirelessly for over two years to bring the process to this point.
We welcome and endorse the new management committee and confidently pass the baton to them to steer this project home to community ownership, and to lead its success into the future.
Congratulations to all of YOU, on being part of a momentous time in the history of our Church and Cemetery!
Best wishes from the Save St Barnabas Working Group and from the incoming 'Community Church of St Barnabas - South Arm' Management Team.
Thank you to everyone for working with us and supporting our endeavours past, present and into the future.

In-principle agreement received from Diocese - Feb 2020
A milestone has been achieved with community efforts to take ownership of our historic St Barnabas Church & Cemetery - Feb 2020
The Anglican Diocese has advised that its Property Board has agreed in-principle to our community taking over the ownership, management and operation of St Barnabas Church & Cemetery and Gellibrand Fellowship Hall. The Diocese is now working through the many formalities at their end to transfer property ownership to our community.
A Management Committee is now being formed to become the incorporated body required to work through the sale process, take ownership of St Barnabas and guide its first steps to a new future in community hands. Given the governance required for a property of this complexity, particularly complying with the Burials Act, building and planning regulations etc, the Management Committee will require specific experience and skills.It will also be responsible for fulfilling the spiritual vision for St Barnabas.
Once the management body is in place, an agreement will be signed followed by a formal contract of sale. Until that time, no details of the conditions of sale will be made publicly available, in respect to the negotiations made in good faith to date. We hope the transfer of ownership will be completed by the end of the year.
Once those legalities are finalised and signed off, an official announcement and celebration will be arranged to mark another major achievement by the South Arm community and all those who have supported the efforts.
This wonderful outcome which, whilst not finalised as yet, is the result of much hard work from those in our St Barnabas Working Group, assisted by SAPRA, and the support of the community. Thank you all
Timeline and sale requirements now known - Nov 2019
The Diocese has provided the timeline and requirements for sale of St Barnabas Church and Cemetery to the community as follows:
- A financial proposal including evidence of funds is required by 1 February 2020.
- No specific figure was stated, however the Diocese will take into consideration this is a community purchase, with the intention to keep St Barnabas as a place of worship.
There is currently around $35K in cash and pledges so there is much more work to be done before 1 February.
(As a potential reference, the Dunalley Church is on the market for offers over $140K plus around $40k of immediate maintenance works has been identified to make St Barnabas compliant and useable)
- Significant fund-raising efforts are required NOW, particularly large donations and pledges.
Donations: If you can contribute, please see our donations page for details.
Pledge forms: download from the donations page, pick up from South Arm Community Pharmacy or request via email.
Donation/pledge enquiries: phone 0426 821 530 - A management committee must be formed take the church through the sale process and well beyond. Those who previously expressed interest will be contacted by the Working Group. If you’d like to be involved, please contact us stbarnabas@southarm.tas.au

Update March 2019
We’ve had subsequent communication from the Diocese which again confirms that the community will have first option to take ownership of St Barnabas.
As yet the Diocese has no details of how the transfer of ownership would progress (including any costing) or any timeframe but have committed to advising the St Barnabas Working Group as soon as these are available.
While awaiting these details from the Diocese, we have to continue to fundraise in earnest, ready to take on the huge task of maintenance, repair, upkeep and operational costs we know will come with the title transfer.
To date we have identified significant works that are needed to make sure this community asset is up to standard for the extra use the buildings and grounds will have in the future.
We continue to seek your financial support either through direct donation or pledge so that the community will be ready to take over ownership responsibilities of our St Barnabas Church and Cemetery as soon as practical. Details on how to donate here >>
If you would like to arrange a fund-raising event, please email us stbarnabas@southarm.tas.au for ideas and support. (We also have a list of suggested events on hand, just need volunteers to drive them!)
Please also support our regular St Barnabas stall at the South Arm Community Market on the first Sunday of every month. Donations aligned with the monthly market theme and flowers much appreciated. Email us for market details market@southarm.tas.au
However the transfer of ownership is achieved, significant funds will be required. Along with the actual ownership change, several items have been identified as requiring urgent attention
(eg maintenance, updating to current standards etc).
Please see our donations/pledges page for how you can assist.
Submission update - December 2018
On the 1st October 2018, the St Barnabas Working Group lodged a submission to the Diocese under SAPRA’s auspices.
In late November 2018, the Tasmanian Lower House passed the Burials and Cremation Amendment Bill 2018 which strengthens the 2002 Burials Act.
In December 2018, the Diocese confirmed its decision to sell St Barnabas Church & Cemetery and advised SAPRA of this in writing stating that:
The Diocese would now like to enter into negotiations with South Arm Peninsula Residents Association for the sale of St Barnabas, South Arm with the purpose of achieving a mutually beneficial outcome.
There are a number of details to be finalised. We ask for your patience at this time as we communicate the outcome of the weekend’s decision and undertake the necessary steps to prepare the property for sale.
Further contact is expected in early January 2019. It should be noted that whilst SAPRA is the auspicing body, the negotiations will be led by the St Barnabas Working Group.
A Committee of Management is also being set up to oversee the process and run St Barnabas into the future. If you have specific business skills and would like to be involved please contact us stbarnabas@southarm.tas.au
It is envisaged there will also be sub-committees/groups to run fund-raising, do maintenance etc and if you’d like to be involved in these, please also let us know.